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Buyekeza 2024 Outlook 2025 -DNG CHISEL

Uma ngibheka emuva ngonyaka we-2024 owedlule

Ekuqaleni kuka-2024, i-DNG chisel yathuthela endaweni entsha efektri enezitshalo ezingaphezu kuka-5000 skwele. Each chisel production line has a more independent and rich operating space, which support to produce higher quality hydraulic breaker chisels products.



Ngo-2024, amakhasimende amaningi eza ayohlola leli Factory, futhi i-DNG chisel ibuye ivakashele amakhasimende emazweni ahlukene nezimakethe.

Through face-to-face communication with customers, we deepen the trust with each other and also have a deeper understanding of the market situation. Ngokuqonda okungcono, singakhulisa imikhiqizo ethe xaxa ngokuhambisana nesidingo semakethe.


2024, DNG Chisel sales reached a new breakthrough of more than 500,000pcs, monthly selling chisels more than 42,000 pcs, loading containers almost everyday. Futhi ukunelisa kakhulu yizikhalazo ze-zero.



Njengoba silangazelela unyaka omusha 2025, sijabule ngamathuba okuzoletha. Sinezinhlelo ezinkulu endaweni futhi siyazethemba ukuthi singaphumelela ngokwengeziwe impumelelo. Sizothuthukisa ithimba lethu lokuthengisa ngo-2025 ukuhlinzeka amakhasimende kangcono nesevisi efike ngesikhathi. Embonini ye-Excavator Hydraulic Breaker embonini, i-DNG chisel izoqhubeka nokuhola indlela futhi ilwele izinga eliphakeme.



Isikhathi sePosi: Jan-16-2025